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budaya hawaii bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "budaya hawaii"
  • The Astronomy Precinct was established in 1967 and is located on land protected by the Historical Preservation Act for its significance to Hawaiian culture.
    Astronomy Precinct didirikan pada tahun 1967 dan terletak di atas tanah yang dilindungi oleh Undang-Undang Pelestarian Sejarah signifikansi terhadap budaya Hawaii.
  • Former missionary Rev. Sereno E. Bishop of the Fort Street Church praised the King's historic journey, but condemned the Hawaiian culture for its "decrepit paganism" and "bestialities of the hula hula".
    Mantan misionaris Sereno E. Bishop dari Fort Street Church memuji perjalanan bersejarah King, namun mengutuk budaya Hawaii karena "paganisme terselubung"nya dan "bestialiti dari hula hula".
  • Aloha Nui — Kalākaua's diary entry The Chinese had been a part of Hawaii's culture since the late 18th century, when the islands were first visited by Chinese merchants and tradesmen.
    Aloha Nui — Entri buku harian Kalākaua Tionghoa telah menjadi bagian dari budaya Hawaii sejak akhir abad ke-18, saat kepulauan tersebut mula-mula dikunjungi oleh para pedagang Tionghoa.